Sunday, July 6, 2008

chapter 28


-Mannjit has to decide if he leaves his family or not

-he decides to go home to Leicester


load- last


plate- Platte, Teller

disown- verstoßen

be mapped out- geplant sein


haze- Dunst

cheat- Betrug

reception- Aufnahme

junction- Verbindung

aisle- Gang

By Angelina F.

chapter 28


-Mannjit has to decide if he leaves his family or not

-he decides to go home to Leicester


load- last


plate- Platte, Teller

disown- verstoßen

be mapped out- geplant sein


haze- Dunst

cheat- Betrug

reception- Aufnahme

junction- Verbindung

aisle- Gang

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chapter 29 - October

  • Manny
  • Ady
  • Addys brother Steve
  • Ranjit
  • Harry
  • Lisa
  • Manny sits with Ady in Steves house, they talk about Mannys situation (job, future, marriage, his proposition)
  • Manny is angry with his family
  • The family thinks that Manny is accepting his fate
  • Manny tells his proposition to avoid his marriage: he wants to do a runner about a week before the day of the wedding
  • Manny wants to get in touch with Lisa
  • Ranjit and Harry threat Manny that if he doesn´t get married and damage their family Harry is gonna damage Manny
  • Manjit goes with Ady to a bar
  • he sees many girls but his mind is on Lisa
  • goes and sits on the car-park wall -> Lisa tapps him on his shoulder -> Manny is thrilled
  • hunky- dory: zufriedenstellend
  • spliff: ein Joint
  • nagging: Gekeife, Nörgelei
  • reputation, izzat: Ansehen, Ehre, Ruf
  • bulb: Glühbirne
  • to brainwash: Gehirnwäsche durchführen
  • wicked: geil
  • thrilled: sich riesig freuen

by Sarah

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Chapter 30 - November

  • Manny
  • Lisa and her family
  • The girl's family
  • Manny's family
  • Ady

  • Manny visits Lisa, and she tries to understand Mannys situation
  • Manny will breaks out but not know
  • Two weeks before wedding, the girl's family came and trink tea and eat samosas
  • The family of Manny trie to be perfect
  • Manny become money from his father, he should buys a shirt and a tie for his wedding
  • The old-man tells to Manny that he wants the best for him
  • Manny can counts on Ady, because he helps him in each situation

  • samosa - dreieckige, fritierte Teigtasche, pikant gewürtzt und gefüllt mit Gemüse oder Fleisch
  • tie - Schlips/Fliege

by Christine Bürk

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chapter 26



Uncle Jag, Manjit, Jasbir, Inderjit,Mohan, Bahadur


  • Manjit stays in Adumpur
  • Uncle Jag and Manjit cook a traditioncal indish dish
  • Manjit has to wake up very early in the morning and he is suffering
  • But they get the possibility to go somewhere else
  • Manjit feels free and liberated then
  • they meet Mohan, who is waiting for them in front of the house with a men that looks like him
  • The person is called Bahahadur ( the nephew of Mohan) . He drives them to Delphi
  • Manjiot wonders about how they had managed to get out of the house without being seen.


  • to dawn- anbrechen
  • to gesture- gestikulieren
  • to growl- brummen/knurren
  • captivity- Gefangenschaft
  • emptied- entleert
  • nephew- der Neffe
  • pedestrian- Fußgänger

Chapter 25 (p.200-210)

When Mohan arrives with the package, Manny presents him his camera.
Jag gives Manny grey sacks for his things he wants to take back.
At the last evening in Adumpur, Manny is excited.
Inderjit wants to know for what are all the sacks for. Manny tells him the truth. Both fall in laugh and so Inderjit don´t believes it.
Manny doesn`t understand the plan of Jag and he adepts that he is the best friend for Mohan.

track - a rough path or road
decoy - a thing that is used to trick sb.
to warp - to become twisted out of its natural shape because it has become too hot
hyped - hochgespielt
hammock - a type of bed made from a net and used to hang between two trees
doubt - feeling of beeing uncertain about sth. or not believe sth.
tempted to do sth. - in Versuchung etw. zu tun
penalty schoot-out - Elfmeterschießen
onions - round vegetable with many layers inside, have a strong smell
gossip - Altweibergeschwätz
pothole - a deep hole that is formed in tracks, especially by the action of water
to be knackered - fix und fertig sein

by Sandra

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 plays in August / September.
Manny got his passport back after Inderjit told him where it was, so he could leave Adumpur theoretically. Mohad says that he is going to miss "Manny-Ji", whereupon Manny forces him to stop call him "-Ji" because he's not better than Mohad just because he was born in a different caste.
At the end of the chapter uncle Jag begs Manny to pick up a package from Mohand and than get his things together that Manny wants to take to England. At this point, Manny realizes, that they are really going to leave India.


  • Manny
  • Inderjit
  • Uncle Jag
  • Mohan
  • Onkar
  • Sukhit
  • Jasbir
  • Manpreet
  • Aunt Harpal
  • Jaswant


sodding : Scheiß-
to clank : klirren
to glare : strahlen
curiosity : Neugier

by Philip

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dear class,
Mr. Aqeel, a Pakistani living in Freiburg, will visit our class on Monday so we will cancel the test for the day.
See you soon,
Ms Sauer

Chapter 20 (p.156-163)


mum, dad, Uncle Piara, Harry and Baljit leave for Jullundur
Manny and Inderjit are alone at home they can do what they want
they drink beer, smoke cigarettes
* Manny loves the way Adumpur sounds at night
Manny tells Inderjit about England (bus rides, city life)
Inderjit fells asleep

Next day:
Manny notices that Harry has taken his suitcase with him
trip to Anandpu (famous for gurudwaras) starts at 10.00 am in a mini-van (smells musty)
* Manny hopes, that Inderjit is able to show him what makes India special

characters in the van:
- driver
- Inderjit and Jasbir
- Uncle Gurvinder and his wife
- Harpal (Inderjit's oldest brother)
- Rana, his wife Sukbir and their two kids, Ranjit and Harjit
- Manny

* Manny feels strange when they pass a valley that is protected against inundations by a dam
* when they ascend the mountain, Manny becomes nervous because of the height
they explore the beautiful countryside of Anandpur
- amazing temples and gurudwaras
Manny takes a lot of pictures
At the end of the trip Manny is exhausted
Manny is frightened when he hears that they will travel back in the darkness

smugly - eingebildet
firefly - Glühwürmchen
sparrow - Spatz
cockroach - Küchenschabe

by Ines

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chapter 22


This chapter ist about Manjit's youngest uncle "Jag". Jag is called the black sheep, because he is different to the rest of the family - like Manjit.
He went away from home and travelled around the world, but nobody knows, what he really is working for. Besides Jag is well educated and he speaks English without an accent.
When his father died, Jag didn't come to visit him.
Jag wants to defend Manjit. The family wants to force Manjit to become a real Punjabi. But Jag has a different opinion to the Indina's tradition. He is not as proud as the other Indians and he doesn't like to be treated respectfully because of his age.


  • Jag
  • Inderjit
  • Uncle Piara
  • Jasbir
  • old man
  • Ranjit
  • Manjit (Manny)


to intrigue: faszinieren, neugierig machen

hardly ever: fast nie; (wohl) kaum

a bloke: ein Kerl

a poof: ein Schwuler

to be gay: schwul sein

to outweigh: überwiegen

to puke: kotzen, auskotzen
the puke: die Kotze

*a disgrace: Schande

*regardless of: ohne Rücksicht auf

by Larissa

Chapter 19

-Manjit, Ranjit, Jas and Gurpal did last-minute shopping, because Ranjit, Jas and Gurpal went home earlier

-last day was bad for Manjit, because he felt homesick and wanted to do things like in Leicester

- he wanted his old life back

-after six weeks: he had enough of all the dust, the heat and the insects

-he spent the days with his cousins Inderjit and Jasbir

-his dad laughed loud about Manjit´s wish to go home-because he thought, that India is Manjit´s real home

-in the 9th week: a letter from the agent told that their passports and tickets were stolen: they were stuck there

-Manjit was depressed

-his father thought that it was God´s will

-discuss of Manjit and Harry who was base

-Inderjit told Manjit how he was bullied from is older brothers with violence

-Inderjit stole a whole box of condoms from Lally and poked little holes through the foil because of revenge


Manjit, Ranjit, Jas, Gurpal, Inderjit, jasbit, Uncle Piara, Harry, dad


*(to) envy s.o.- jmd. beneiden

well Brunnen

(to) be stuck festsitzen

(to) cheer aufmuntern

*patient- geduldig

*alleyway- Gässchen

by Katrin

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Chapter 17

In this chapter Manny arrives at the village, where his uncle and hin cousins live. When he drive by taxi through this village he feels very sad, and he describes how the village looks like. He has imagined the village in an other way. In this chapter he also gets know his uncle, Piara, and his cousins Inderjit and Jasbir.

Uncle Piara,

impatient - ungeduldig

to buzz- surren

*fade- abklingen, hier: untergehen

*dusk- Abenddämmerung (from..... 'til dawn)

*courtyard- Hof, Innenhof

puny-kümmerlich, mickrig

onion - Zwiebel

cardamom - der Kardamom

balti - auf eine bestimmte pakistanische Küche spezialisiertes Restaurant

butchering- Fleischer, Fleischerei...

by F.R.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chapter '18

-Manny introduces his family
-chills out with his cousins and they're doing drugs
-gets to know 'dark' side of India


*cubicle - Kabine
irrigation - Bewässerung
tube wells - Rohrbrunnen
scrape - kratzen
roti - indisches Fladenbrot
spliff - Cannabiszigarette (joint)

by Mr. Schindler


In chapter 5 Manjits 9th school year begins.

Manjit finds out more details about Lisa, but they hadn’t really spoke to each other, just a few times in the holidays.

He is very interested in her, but too shy to ask her for a date.

He thinks that being turned down by her after asking her for a date would be really embarrassing.

But on the other hand, if she agrees and his family finds out about a girl, he would get into trouble.

Ady says that Manjit should speak to the girl because he thinks that she likes him a lot.

Also in chapter 5 the two friends visit Adys girlfriend Sarah and spend a nice time in her home.

On this day Manjit comes home very late and get trouble with his parents and also with his brother Harry.

He tries to destroy one of Manjits cassettes and they nearly start to fight, but than Ranjit comes and calms the situation.

by maRinschö

a swot



die Sonnenbräune


distanziert, unnahbar


entscheidend, ausschlaggebend

*to mimic



Diele, Bodenbrett


Drunter und drüber gehen



Chatper 12


Manny goes with his 2 older brothers and his old man into a pub but instead of enjoing he very dislikes it because all the poeple there are just like his brothers. When he wants to leave Harry molests him and the 2 fellows are having a fight. After Ranjit teared the tow guys apart and after his leaving Manjit compares his life to the one of his girlfriend Lisa and recognizes that the two are living in different worlds.


tatty - schmuddelig
wanker/tosser - Wichser
blindfold - Augenbinde
punches - Faustschläge
(to) bother - beschäftigen

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Chapter 16

Manny decides to travel to India and there he's surprised how different India and England are. He's very surprised of the heat in India and of armed guards, too. His parents meet a couple who also want to go to Punjab. Manny is smoking a fag in the toilet and after that they eave the airport and the first thing Manny sees is that in India, a country of which his old man thinks it's the best in the world, are many beggars. He starts to realize that his life could be much worse as he sees little children living on the streets. After a 10 hours flight they have to continue their tour by driving about 8 hours bus and taxi. The streets are in a very bad shape and because it seems that in India are no driving rules, Manny is sure that he'll die, every time an other car or truck drives along.

Persons: -Manny + whole family
- couple from Manny's old man's neighbour village

to ache - schmerzen / weh tun
boredom - Langeweile
to toddle - watscheln
toddler - kleines Kind
daze - betäuben / verwirren
beggar - Bettler(in)

Johnny "The Nightmare" Smith (Stefan)

Chapter 13

  • Manny is invited to Lisa's house over night
  • Her parents want to talk to them- to both of them about something important
  • Manny had to lie to his older brother, so that he can go out over night

=>He told Ranjit, that he had an important football tribal and so he had to leave his home over night

  • At Lisa's house Amanda is talking to Manny about Sex, because they are both sixteen now; Ben is talking to Lisa about the same
  • Amanda is very happy, that her daughter had such a understanding boyfriend.


  • Manny
  • Lisa
  • Amanda & Ben Jenkins (her parents)
  • (Ady)


  • cheek = die Backe
  • squeezed= gedrückt/gequetscht
  • weird= eigenartig/merkwürdig
  • Subliminal= das Unterbewusste
  • droning= das Gedröhn

by Luisa Schemel

Chapter 13

Friday, June 13, 2008

Chapter 11

  • Manny skips school to see Ady, who's no more in school
  • Mr. Sandhu and Lisa worry about Manny, because they notice his slipping school-activity
  • After a short time in which Manny made an effort to go to school, the night before his birthday changes the situation
  • Ady convinces Manny to go out with him
  • Manny takes money out of the family cash
  • Contrary to expectations his dad isn't in his room waiting for him to return

=> In this chapter we can see, how Mannys effort suffers under his depressing situation. He wants to fight against it, maybe because of Lisa, but his attempt fails.


  • Manny
  • Ady
  • (Lisa, Mr. Sandhu)


  • to skip sth = etw. schwänzen
  • to dump = umkippen
  • attempt = Anlauf
  • wallet = Brieftasche
  • to fret = ärgern/aufregen

by Sophie

Monday, June 9, 2008

Chapter 9


  • Mr. Sandhu wants to see Manjit during the lunch break
  • first M. think he`s going to get suspended
-> then: think what will be, if his family had died in an accident
-> likes this imagination but at least ashamed of himself
  • Sandhu tells him, that his performance is dropping
-> asks him, if M. feels this way too
-> tells him his notes and that he`s in the below average now
-> wants to find the reason
  • M. just wants to escape of the arranged marriage
  • Sandhu asks about other problems with students
-> not the reason (say M.)
-> wants to find the reason as hard as he could
-> asks about M. `s realtionship with Lisa and what his parents think about it

  • in early June, a week and a half from summer holidays
  • Manjit
  • Mr. Sandhu (very strict teacher)
  • *distraction - Ablenkung
  • deputy head - Stellvertreter
  • sweeper - Straßenkehrer
  • a scrap - eine Streiterei
  • *mug - große Tasse
  • *to be tempted to do sth. - versucht sein, etw. zu tun
  • to be tripping - auf einem Trip sein (bezügl. Drogen)
  • *to dread - sich fürchten-synonym: angry,scary
  • to flick - mit den Fingern schnalzen
by Natascha Seitz

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Chapter Eight (p.63-68)


-Manny's father is used to strict discipline and hard work
-He got upset because of the shoplifting -> everyone has to suffer from his anger
-He expects Manny to marry the daughter of his friend
-Manny doesn't has the opportunity to say no, though he doesn't want to marry a girl that he never met before
-His parents accuse him of ruining the familys' name

->Manny recognizes that he is supposed to marry the indian girl; he is disappointed about being the reason for his parents' grief -> he feels guilty


-His parents


*sober - nüchtern
to tend - pflegen
*grief - feeling of sadness
*shoplifting - Ladendiebstahl
gear - (colloquial) clothes
to jumble sth. - to confuse sth.
*upbringing - Erziehung
*blackmail - Erpressung

by Alööööx

Chapter 6 (p.52-56)

- Manny is having his 10th date with Lisa
He commits her his familial situation
They talk about their parents:
Lisa’s parents: mum is teacher, dad is lectures at uni
Manny’s parents: mum has no intrests in Manny, good Punjabi wife; dad reacts like a racist
towards Ady, they want to arrange a marriage for him
- Two weeks later discussion with Ekbal, cousin:
-> Manny is in trouble, his arranged marriage is going to be certain
=> his conclusion: breaking rules to be as unacceptable as possible as a husband

- Lisa is perfect, listens to him very carefully and holds his hand, makes Manny feeling lucky
- Ekbal warns Manny, offers him help
- Manny
- His parents
- Ady and Sarah
- Ekbal’s parents

*plain sailing – easy
*To be annoying – making you feel slightly angry
*flood – a very large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry
*to deserve – to have earned sth. by good or bad actions or behaviour
*to get out – to sucessfully deal with a problem or difficult situation
*wary - someone who is wary is careful because they think something might be dangerous or harmful

posted by Laura

Chapter Seven - pages 59-62


--> Manny is in trouble

- he was in town with Ady and he had stolen a CD he ever wanted to have but the case was empty. .

- now the police kept him in an interview room and he had to wait for Ranjit.

- At home then Harry had beaten him and called him names and was using words he had never dare to say in front of the old man.

Striking facts:

--> Manny don’t want to marry with seventeen

- he is mad at the old man










-at home


*press charges against sb. – jem anzeigen

*to pretend – so tun als ob

Monday, June 2, 2008

Chapter four- pages 38-43


Manny is in love with the girl with the ringlets and he really looks forward to see her again. After a football game Manny goes with Ady in town, where Ady steals pens in a stationery shop. Shoplifting is like a hobby for the friends and Manny describes how it works: They steal things and sell it for the half price in school. The money they get therefore is shared.
Later, Ady and Manny go into a shop centre which is called the Shires. There they meet Sarah and Ringlets and invite them for a drink.


*the/to revenge= you do something to let someone suffer, because he had let you suffer
(to) punch= to box
*stationery shop- a shop where you buy paper, pens, etc.
(to) cutch - to hold something very tight
*(to) spot- you see someone in a crowd

by Bianca Blechner

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Übersetzungstext "Das britische Dilemma"

Aber sie sind mehr denn je gespalten (hin-und hergerissen) zwischen zwei gegensätzlichen (!!)Vorstellungen (Vision ist evtl zu pathetisch, ginge aber hier). Auf der einen Seite sehen sie das "Europa der Nationen", das durch engere Handels- und Sicherheitsvereinbarungen stärker zusammen gehalten wird, aber den größten (AN-)Teil seiner Dynamik aus dem Nationalstaat bezieht, der im wesentlichen/ursprünglich eine europäische Erfindung und die Quelle von Englands früherem Stolz war.
Dieser Nationalismus wird einen neuen Auftrieb durch die Osteuropäer erhalten/erreichen, die- als (KEIN Artikel!) natürliche Reaktion auf ihre Befreiung von der sowjetischen Herrschaft, versuchen werden, ihre nationale Identität mit Nachdruck zu behaupten.
Die andere Vorstellung von Europa ist beispielhaft sichtbar an der (oder: wird verkörpert durch die) europäischen Gemeinschaft.
Weniger die Angst vor einer sowjetischen Expansion (umstellen!!) als vielmehr die feste Absicht/der Entschluss das Wiederaufleben von gehässigem Nationalismus zu verhindern, führte nach dem 2.Weltkrieg zur Gründung der Gemeinschaft.
Diese Vorstellung von Europa, als eine wesentlich engere Gruppe von Völkern, die die gleichen wirtschaftlichen und sicherheitspolitischen Regeln verfolgt/teilt, hat nun plötzlich durch die Öffnung des Ostens eine Herausforderung/steht vor einer Herausforderung, die einige sehr schwierige/komische/Seltsame Fragen aufwirft.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Chapter 3 - (un)arranged marriage

- Manny goes mad because of his marriage at seventeen
--> becomes angry and takes revenge on his brother Harry
- spends a lot of time outside with Ady
- sees Lisa for the first time, falls in love with her

Striking facts
- loves Leceister (and England) very much because for him it's like a melting pot of nations
- critizices his family's opinion on races
- changes his mind about having a girlfriend

- Manny
- Ady
- Sarah
- Lisa

- Manny's and Harry's room
- Shopping centre in Leicester

- a Friday morning
- the summerbreak between year 8 and 9

shrub - (syn.) bush
*backwards - rückwärts;if you put on a piece of clothing back to front, you make a mistake and put the back where the front should be
dumbbell - a stupid person
*(to) head for - (to) move in a particular direction
(to) loaf (infl) - to spend your time not doing anything, especially when you should be working
(to) gawp (infl) - to stare at sb/sth in a stupid or rude way

Posted by: Stefanie Eckmann


-Manny is in 8th class
-his cousin Ekbal is allowed to live as he wants to
-doesn't know how to go on living
-trouble with Harry because he sais Harry was a rasist
-doesn't want to go to Harry's wedding
-father tells him that he would get married to a known
Indish girl at the age of 17

*custom = tradition
*extended = umfassend,ausufernd
*mercilessly (adv) -> to show no kindness or pity
squealer -> so. who does a long high cry/sound
*odour = smell (noun)

to despair -> to stop having any hope
duvet = Daunendecke
*urge (noun) -> a strong desire to do sth.
*exaggeration = Übertreibung
cereal = Getreide;Müsli
brick = Ziegelstein

by Jasmin Lasch

Sunday, May 25, 2008

(un)arranged marriage- bali rai

Chapter 1 (p.13-20)

we find out that the story is about a PUNJABI family
It is set in England (Leicester?)
the characters are introduced.
Striking facts: * Manny gets hit by his father
* appears to be aggressive
*sees his family traditions in a very critical way

the characters:
Manjit (manny)--> is the protagonist
he introduces his family

Ranjit- his older brother- is married and his wife moved in after their marriage
Manny has 2 sisters: Balbir and Dalbir, who don' life with the family anymore

the father: has a drinking problem,hits his son, is a worker
the mother: doesn't help him with his homework
--> both are introduced as "odd"

Ady- is Manny's best buddy

*to provoke-= to challenge
*exertion (n)- the state of physical exhaustion - Erschöpfung
*embarrassing- peinlich
*to tease- ärgern, pisacken
*reply (n)=answer
*to be engaged to- mit jemandem verlobt/liiert sein
business agreement- geschäftliche Vereinbarung
*unless= if not - bevor
*to bother s.o.= to care for s.o./
*daring to say- es wagen etwas zu sagen
*to be influenced by= von etwas beeinflusst sein
*to move in- einziehen
*to pretend- vorgeben, vortäuschen
*privacy- Privatsphäre
*to pass ou= if you drink a lot of alcohol, you'll pass out

blogged by Ms Sauer

Friday, April 11, 2008

Group South England: Vocabulary

Sussex - region in South England
South Downs - the hill country in South England
Hill country - hilly landscape
The Lanes - quarter of Brighton with narrow roads
resort - a place where a lot of people go for holidays
narrow - small
angled - with corners
seaside - coast
holidaymaker - tourist
Pier - feature of seaside town; originally: boat landing stage, English tradition; today: amusement arcade
amusement arcade - entertainment park
candy floss - Zuckerwatte
airshow - Flugschau
jet - Düsenflugzeug

Monday, April 7, 2008


Dear students,
let me express my delight about our session today. From my perspective you worked very industrious and motivated. I hope you got a good overview about the EU today.
Feel free to post a feedback about today's session under this post.

here's the task:

A timeline of the EU

Which were the major steps towards the Europe of today?

Create your own timeline of the EU with the help of the BBC homepage. Choose a graphic representation that suits you best.
The following steps and their significance in EU history should be part of your timeline:
1948, ECSC, EEC, Treaty of Rome, EMS, Maastricht Treaty, Schengen pact, Amsterdam Treaty, the Euro, new EU constitution
Have a nice day,
Ms Sauer

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Group Wales: Vocabulary

Culture [food and festivals]
liver - Leber
herbs - Kräuter
suet - Rindertalg
savoury - schmackhaft
leek - Lauch

Culture [music and arts]
to affect - beeinflussen, prägen
ascendancies - Einflüsse
impressionism - impressionistisch

Travel itinerary [sights, city]

ancient - ehemalig
fortification - Festung
marvellous - wunderbar
to prosper - florieren
dissolution - Auflösung
stronghold - Festung

Travel itinerary [sights, landscape]
unspoiled - unberührt
inspiring - begeisternd
rugged - rau
sanctuary - Schutzgebiet
cottage - Landhaus
quarry - Steinbruch
quay - Anleger
range - ausdehnen
yew tree - Eibe