- Manny
- Lisa and her family
- The girl's family
- Manny's family
- Ady
- Manny visits Lisa, and she tries to understand Mannys situation
- Manny will breaks out but not know
- Two weeks before wedding, the girl's family came and trink tea and eat samosas
- The family of Manny trie to be perfect
- Manny become money from his father, he should buys a shirt and a tie for his wedding
- The old-man tells to Manny that he wants the best for him
- Manny can counts on Ady, because he helps him in each situation
- samosa - dreieckige, fritierte Teigtasche, pikant gewürtzt und gefüllt mit Gemüse oder Fleisch
- tie - Schlips/Fliege
by Christine Bürk
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