Friday, April 11, 2008

Group South England: Vocabulary

Sussex - region in South England
South Downs - the hill country in South England
Hill country - hilly landscape
The Lanes - quarter of Brighton with narrow roads
resort - a place where a lot of people go for holidays
narrow - small
angled - with corners
seaside - coast
holidaymaker - tourist
Pier - feature of seaside town; originally: boat landing stage, English tradition; today: amusement arcade
amusement arcade - entertainment park
candy floss - Zuckerwatte
airshow - Flugschau
jet - Düsenflugzeug

Monday, April 7, 2008


Dear students,
let me express my delight about our session today. From my perspective you worked very industrious and motivated. I hope you got a good overview about the EU today.
Feel free to post a feedback about today's session under this post.

here's the task:

A timeline of the EU

Which were the major steps towards the Europe of today?

Create your own timeline of the EU with the help of the BBC homepage. Choose a graphic representation that suits you best.
The following steps and their significance in EU history should be part of your timeline:
1948, ECSC, EEC, Treaty of Rome, EMS, Maastricht Treaty, Schengen pact, Amsterdam Treaty, the Euro, new EU constitution
Have a nice day,
Ms Sauer

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Group Wales: Vocabulary

Culture [food and festivals]
liver - Leber
herbs - Kräuter
suet - Rindertalg
savoury - schmackhaft
leek - Lauch

Culture [music and arts]
to affect - beeinflussen, prägen
ascendancies - Einflüsse
impressionism - impressionistisch

Travel itinerary [sights, city]

ancient - ehemalig
fortification - Festung
marvellous - wunderbar
to prosper - florieren
dissolution - Auflösung
stronghold - Festung

Travel itinerary [sights, landscape]
unspoiled - unberührt
inspiring - begeisternd
rugged - rau
sanctuary - Schutzgebiet
cottage - Landhaus
quarry - Steinbruch
quay - Anleger
range - ausdehnen
yew tree - Eibe